A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement 20 Things #64: On the Road (System Neutral Edition)

20 Things #64: On the Road (System Neutral Edition) by Jacob W. Michaels is a generic role playing game supplement published by Raging Swan Press. The supplement is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

20 Things #64: On the Road (System Neutral Edition)The supplement is available as an 11-page PDF for $3.45 from DriveThruRPG but was purchased at a reduced price thanks to a special offer. The supplement comes in three versions, two PDFs, one designed for print and high-end devices, the other for mobile and low-end devices, and a plaintext file. Two pages of the PDF are the front and rear covers, two pages are ads, one page is the front matter and Contents and one the Open Game License.

1: Highways & Byways gives descriptions of ten different roads and paths.

2: Passers-By has four different people to meet on the road. Each is named, given their alignment, sex, species, class and level, as well as a description, personality, mannerisms and possible adventure hooks.

3: Hazards on the Road has eight different situations to encounter, all of them having the potential for combat.

4: Camping and Campsites has ten different campsites to encounter.

5: The Weather has 20 different kinds of weather.

20 Things #64: On the Road (System Neutral Edition) in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with major and minor sections linked. The Contents is to a similar level of depth and is hyperlinked. Navigation is decent. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a few black and white illustrations. Presentation is fine.

The 20 Things range rarely has 20 things in their tables, but this is one that is more inaccurately titled than most. It does have plenty of ways to enliven a journey, and some of the results don’t have to be on the road either, 4 and 5 in particular. 20 Things #64: On the Road (System Neutral Edition) is a decent little supplement for adding flavour to a journey and it can be found by clicking here.


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