Free Role Playing Game Supplement Review: City of Mist – Case Concept Generator

City of Mist – Case Concept Generator by Amit Moshe and Omer Shapira is a free role playing game supplement published by Son of Oak Game Studio. It is intended to help create cases (adventures) for City of Mist.

The supplement is available as a 12-page PDF for free from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover and one an ad for the City of Mist Garage, the system’s Community Content Programme.

The first page explains that this supplement is intended to help create compelling backstories for City of Mist adventures, and what d66 means. It also references Chapter 2 of the MC Toolkit for a more detailed explanation on creating a case.

Step 1: The Story Seed has four questions for creating the case, referencing the tables.

City of Mist - Case Concept GeneratorTable I is a d6 table for generating an NPC, determining how awakened they are.

Table II is a d66 table for the NPC’s Mythos (mythic identity).

Table III is a d66 table for their Logos (real world occupation).

Table IV is a d6 table for how the NPC awakened.

Table V is a d6 table for their Mythos motivation.

Table VI is a d66 table for their Logos motivation.

This set of tables is followed by an example NPC.

Crime, Wrong or Problem Tables requires one of three tables be chosen – crime, wrong or problem – then a fourth table to determine involvement.

Table VII is a d66 table for the crime at the centre of the case.

Table VIII is a d6 table for the wrong.

Table IX is a d6 table for the problem.

Table X is a d6 table for the Rift’s involvement.

Again, this is followed by an example.

Scope, Theme and Format tables are three more tables.

Table XI, Table XII and Table XII are all d6 tables for scope, theme and format.

Again, there is an example.

Hooks Table are used to determine how the crew is involved.

Table XIV is a d6 table for how they hear about the case.

Table XV is a d6 table for at what point the crew comes in.

This is followed by another example.

Step 2: Developing Backstory looks at how complex a case could be; the more detailed the backstory is, the easier it will be to create a more complex case.

Table XVI is a d6 table for unexpected developments in the backstory.

City of Mist – Case Concept Generator in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, though fairly short, there are enough tables that these would have been appreciated. Navigation could be better. The text is two column, or three for tables, and appeared to be free of errors. Some colour illustrations have been reused from other supplements. Presentation is decent.

What this supplement is, is a supplement designed to help create a case. It won’t create anything detailed, but it can help create a framework that can be developed, referring to the MC Toolkit. For this purpose, it works pretty well. It won’t create a fully-formed adventure, but it can be used to provide inspiration. Tables don’t need to be rolled on; results can instead be picked from them, and in some cases should; it’s possible to randomly roll an Avatar on the first table, and those beings really shouldn’t be used randomly. City of Mist – Case Concept Generator is a useful tool for creating City of Mist cases and it can be downloaded for free by clicking here.


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