A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG)

Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG) by Neal Bailey, JP Chapleau and Louis Porter Jr is a role playing game supplement published by LPJ Design for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be open game content as a result.

The supplement is available as a five-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $1.29 but was purchased at a reduced price during a sale. One page is the front cover, about a third is ads and one the Open Game License. The PDF comes in two versions, one with a parchment background and one without, making it more printer-friendly.

Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG)This is a heroic NPC for the publisher’s NeoExodus setting. It starts by giving some background on the character, a noble from a world far from Exodus, who ventured on deadly safaris to other planes. Realising that killing demons and devils would not change their planes, he returned to the mortal world and travelled to Exodus, where he became an assassin hunter. Brelin’s appearance and personality is then detailed.

Using Breslin in a campaign is covered. They may be a good-aligned character, but are an embodiment of good is not nice, for they are intolerant with people they consider less intelligent than them, and disagreeing with Brelin is enough to qualify for that. His main activity is pursuing the Folding Circle, and can be an ally for that. However, they can easily be an enemy as well, because even as an ally they could probably be described as being a pain in the neck. Brelin is a human Ranger 1/ Sorcerer (starsoul) 14.

Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG) in Review

Despite being short, the PDF is bookmarked with various sections linked. Navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column format and some minor case errors were noticed. There is a single illustration, the custom image of Brelin. Presentation is decent.

Brelin is a comparatively simple NPC. They aren’t given multiple CRs, which many standalone NPCs are, and they also don’t seem to be as unique as they could be. Brelin comes from a distant world, but this seems to have had no effect on his abilities. And that’s something that might be expected. Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG) is a decent, though not outstanding, NPC, and can be found by clicking here.


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