A Dozen Sugary Rumors

Free Role Playing Game Supplement Review: A Dozen Sugary Rumors

A Dozen Sugary Rumors by Philip Reed is a generic role playing game supplement published by Philip Reed Games.

The supplement is available as a 14-page PDF for free from DriveThruRPG.

A Dozen Sugary RumorsThe opening paragraphs explains about the rumours of gingerbread men and the elemental plane of sweets, where characters could hear rumours, that each rumour fits on a page and that none include game stats.

Anatomy of a Rumor explains that each rumour has a title, an illustration, flavour text, an overview of the general idea and true and false options for each rumour.

Using the Rumors explain that they are intended to get the imagination flowing, and can be used to add atmosphere and depth to a campaign setting, breadcrumbs building up to something and as adventure seeds.

Gingerbread Men has a tale of a group of them being encountered.

Candy Cane Elemental is a dwarf encountering a being that looked to be made of candy canes.

Gingerbread Thugs has gingerbread men mugging people.

The Terrifying & Giant Candy-Striped Worm is a tale of being attacked by such in a field of candy canes.

Quick Fudge is some fudge that functions like quicksand.

There are Bandits on the Hilltown Road has a road turned to candy by the gingerbread men.

Chocodile Warning has a crocodile apparently made of chocolate living in fudge.

A Mallow Golem is Loose in the Woods has a golem made of marshmallow.

The Undead Hunger for Gingerbread has a gingerbread man being attacked and eaten by undead.

Beware the Cult of Chocolate has the resurgence of a cult.

Threat of the Terrible Gingerbread Army has rumours of an army of gingerbread men.

Attack of the Gingerdead has undead gingerbread men.

A Dozen Sugary Rumors in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, though short, has enough sections that they would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be almost free of errors. There are a lot of half page colour illustrations. Presentation is good.

As stated, these are ideas that can be worked into adventures. The rumours have the true and false options; in the true cases, the rumour is as said, whilst in the false ones, the explanation is more mundane. With work, the rumours could be made into a linked series of candy-themed adventures, though this would require quite a bit of work. A Dozen Sugary Rumors can be found by clicking here.






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