Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots

Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots by Sam Hing is a role playing game supplement published by Rogue Genius Games for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result. This is part of the Monster Menagerie series of themed bestiaries.

This supplement is available as a 16-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover and one the Credits and Open Game License.

Monster Menagerie: Demonic HarlotsThe Foreword explains that the theme of this edition is succubi, and that the rang of CRs is not as great as in other supplements in the series, as demons already cover a wide range of CRs and many of the iconic abilities of the succubus work best in the mid-range.

A Succubus Primer explains how incubi are essentially succubi in male form; female is the most common form encountered, though, as the most powerful demons tend to be male and the mortals foolish enough to summon them also tend to be male. Some prefer male form, and some hate it. Succubi can also buy a person’s soul – only, technically, they can’t. The contract is not binding. However, simply signing such a contract tends to condemn the soul of the one who did it. So, it may not be binding, but the mere fact of signing it means the contract works essentially the same way, except it is possible to get out of it. Which is also difficult. There is also some brief information on Epithumia, Demon Queen of Succubi – or one of them, anyway.

The Agitator is a succubus that stirs up trouble and feeds off the emotions generated. They can feed on positive emotions, but dislike the taste.

Cursed of Epithumia are succubi that have annoyed the previously mentioned Demon Queen, and seek to torment others as they have been tormented.

The Dark Mistress is a combination of a succubus and a shadow demon created by Epithumia.

The Puppeteer dominates large numbers of people and gain strength from doing so.

The Thyiades is a succubus that enjoys feeding on the fey and hate a number of other creatures, especially their own kind.

Tormentors are succubi who get pleasure from pain, whether inflicting it or receiving it, and can make those who hurt them also gain pleasure from pain, which makes them less willing to defend themselves.

Expanded Succubus Rules starts with a number of new feats for the creatures. Following this are some new magic items and some new spells.

Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, even though it is comparatively short, there are enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation is poor. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of error. There are a number of black and white illustrations, including one for each succubus, as well as some for some magic items and spells. Presentation is decent.

This supplement contains fewer monsters than other in the series, but this is because there are new options for the creatures as well, from the feats, magic items and spells to the information on succubi. It is a shame that the Demon Queen only gets a couple of paragraphs; more could have been added here, especially given her involvement in two of the new types of succubi. The succubi are different from the norm, whilst still incorporating the essence of how they feed. Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots is a nice collection of new succubi types and rules and it can be found by clicking here.






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