Abbey Generator

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Abbey Generator

Abbey Generator is a generic role playing game supplement published by Atelier Clandestin.

The supplement is available as an eight-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $1 but was purchased at a reduced price thanks to a special discount. One page is the front cover, one the front matter and one Credits and Links.

Abbey GeneratorThe first page is General which has a couple of paragraphs on what abbeys are. The first table is to generate the number of monks or nuns, with options for small and major abbeys. Next is a general description of the structure and how much land it has. Finally, there is a series of tables for creating a name.

Locations starts with a list of core buildings that every abbey will have. This is followed by four more categories of buildings, with 1 of each being rolled.

Activities starts with Farming, which is rolled twice on. There are two more tables of activities, Workshop and Other.

Other starts with what the abbey is known for. One of these is Special item, and there are several tables to determine what this might be. Finally, there is a table of problems.

History is a simple table that has a major event for the abbey’s history.

Abbey Generator in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, given the length, they aren’t really needed, but given the number of different sections, would have been appreciated. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of error. There are a few pieces of religious clip art. Presentation is okay.

This is a fairly simple supplement that won’t generate an abbey in any great detail, but it will generate the broad strokes of one that then can, and probably should, be fleshed out more. None of the entries on the tables go into any great detail and many are just a single word; it’s therefore not really a standalone supplement. If a quick overview of an abbey is needed, it works well, but for a more detailed location, this is best used as a base to build from, not for the finished article. Abbey Generator can be found by clicking here.






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