The Flayed King by Tim Shorts is a free role playing game supplement published by GM Games for use with Swords & Wizardry. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result. This is a short adventure recommended for about 3rd level characters.
The supplement is available as a free 14-page PDF from DriveThruRPG, although it looks as if a printed version may be available from somewhere. One page is the front cover, two pages are the front matter, two pages are the Open Game License and one page is an ad.
The Introduction has a map of the mini-dungeon and an explanation that the adventure was written for Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day. The dungeon is reached through a well and the various locations have text for the GM and descriptive text. There are some undead to combat, some treasure to find an a few locations need puzzling out to enter through tricks. The final room contains the Flayed King, who is still alive and immortal. The king can answer a single question before remaining silent for a year. Freeing him could anger the gods. There is also an artefact to find.
The Flayed King in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and, although not necessary given the length, they would have been nice. Navigation is poor. The text maintains a single column two-colour format and appeared to be free of errors, but the formatting of GM text in italics made such as spells, which would normally be italicised, hard to spot. The map is serviceable although there is an error on it; a secret door is marked as a regular door. It also doesn’t come in a player friendly version. There are some custom illustrations; yes, this free adventure has custom artwork. Presentation is very good.
The text describing the included artefact, a ring, doesn’t actually state what the ring does. The ring enhances the abilities of its owner and, after being worn for a month, it will decide what powers will be most beneficial. Which is totally vague. The abilities of the Flayed King are also not well described. Better descriptions of both would have been appreciated; instead it is essentially left up to the GM. Still, this is a free adventure and it’s a decent little adventure considering its price. The Flayed King can be downloaded for free by clicking here.
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