PS0 – Provincia Gazetteer is a free role playing game supplement published by Adventures in Filbar. This is an introductory guide to the Provincia campaign setting of the PS series of linked adventures, and the prequel to the adventure series itself.
This is a fourteen page PDF of which one is the improved front cover, showing a small hex map of the Provincia region (which would appear to have been done in Hexographer from Inkwell Ideas). One page is a larger map of Provincia which lacks labels, one has a map of the primary city of Queen’s Point (which appears to have been done in Cityographer, also from Inkwell Ideas), which similarly lacks labels, one page has a player’s hex map of Provincia, two pages have a total of six, presumably royalty-free, photographs, showing three items of currency and three religious artefacts and the final page has a list of the Provincia adventures at the time of writing, including intended levels.
There are two and a half pages of overview, giving the history of Provincia up to the present day, which is of a kingdom that has disintegrated and now has the potential for players to set up their own lands. Around one and a half pages give an overview of the city of Queen’s Point, as well as brief descriptions of the ruling Tribunal of NPCs, giving their names and occupations.
One page has eight d12 tables for random citizen characteristics and half a page provides a selection of citizen names, which by and large have a British feel to them. Finally, a bit over a page then covers the three major deities of the region (who are also covered in FV0 – Lands of Calentria).
The supplement has a single column layout and only a couple of errors were noticed. Production quality continues to be better than in the earlier supplements. A specific game system isn’t mentioned – usually, Filbar supplements are aimed at AD&D, AD&D 2nd Edition or D&D 5E – but no stats are given, so this will only be relevant for the adventures.
The supplement itself gives a good overview and feel for the campaign region, but lacks a number of specifics, things that would be fleshed out during the course of the adventures. This is an essentially system-agnostic supplement, but it isn’t truly setting neutral. However, given Provincia’s location on the edge of civilisation, it could possibly be dropped into a similar place in another setting, although the map might have to be altered. PS0 – Provincia Gazetteer is a decent introduction to the Provincia setting, and it’s free, so click here to get it now.
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