FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5

Free Role Playing Game Supplement Review: FVS9 – Penchant for Adventure – 5

FVS9 – Penchant for Adventure – 5 is a free role playing game supplement published by Adventures in Filbar. This is a solo adventure in the Filbar setting, one in a series of these set in the titular town of Penchant. The adventure is presumably aimed at the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game.

FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5This is a seventeen page supplement which lacks bookmarks. One page is the now-standard grey cover indicating a free supplement, with part of a map of the town of Penchant on the front, which would appear to have been created in Cityographer from Inkwell Ideas. One page has a complete, labelled version of the same town map, as well as a stock image and another page has three more stock images.

Slightly over one page are the Player’s and DM’s Backgrounds; the solo player is visiting a card tournament in the town of Penchant and should be 5th level. Most of a page is an encounter on the road to Penchant and slightly over six pages detail the town itself. Most of the locations have full descriptions, including a major non-player character and what could be found there, whilst a few just have a location type and name. The remainder of the supplement is four encounters comprising the main body of the adventure, the card tournament and encounters derived from it.

The supplement has a single column layout and a number of errors were spotted in the text. The images including are standard for this publisher; stock images of some type intended to be used to portray places and scenes which do the job well enough. Stats are provided for the encounters; these should be adaptable to other systems. The town is also fairly setting-neutral, and could be dropped into many settings without much trouble.

The description of the town is largely identical from that in previous adventures set there, with some minor changes to reflect past events, which diminishes its use for those who have the other, free, supplements in the range. As mentioned before, the timeline seems possibly a little out, especially if these were to be run for the same character; for example, the celebration from Penchant for Adventure – 1 is described as being still ongoing, and some events in earlier supplements don’t seem to have happened yet. The various adventures seem to be taking place at practically the same time.

Despite the potential problems with the town, such as the repeated descriptions and the fact that most of the scenarios are taking place at roughly the same time it seems, this is still a decent adventure. The description of the town is useful, it’s just a shame it’s duplicated. FVS9 – Penchant for Adventure – 5 is a decent filler solo adventure and it’s free, so click here to get it.





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