FT - Ru-Marta

Free Role Playing Game Supplement Review: FT – Ru-Marta

FT – Ru-Marta is a free role playing game supplement published by Adventures in Filbar. The FT supplements primarily cover urban areas; this, the 25th in the line, covers the city of Ru-Marta in the southern region of the Lands of Calentria, the setting for the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game.

This is a sixteen page PDF which lacks bookmarks. The front page has the new design, with an excerpt of the Calentria map where Ru-Marta is located (which would appear to have been done in Hexographer from Inkwell Ideas), although the city itself is not marked on the map. One page has three stock images related to adventures in the city and a player’s map of the city. Two more pages have four DM’s maps of the city, each one with labels corresponding to one of the four areas. The maps would appear to have been done in some sort of image software. The final two pages have six more images, showing coins, boats and what are intended to be views of the city.

FT - Ru-MartaAround two and a half pages gives background for Ru-Marta, which is a waterborne city, with the majority of buildings being built on pilings in the water or on boats, with few land locations. The city is under increasing internal turmoil, as the occupants are increasingly dissatisfied with the dictatorial behaviour of the high priest who is also the ruler. One and a half pages give a listing of buildings in the city, which are labelled on the DM’s maps, giving the building use, product sold and perhaps an important non-player character.

Next is a page of eight d12 tables for rolling up random citizen characteristics. The remaining five pages have six different adventure scenarios. Each has stats for opponents, where appropriate, and notes on who the adventure is aimed at, in group size and strength.

The supplement maintains a single column layout and a few errors were noticed. Most of the images would appear to be stock or public domain of some type, but do a reasonably decent job. although aimed at D&D 5th Edition, this should be easy enough to convert to comparable systems. Similarly, the city itself could be dropped into other settings in suitable locations – warm, coastal and near to jungles and swamps. Ru-Marta isn’t covered in the same level of detail as some of the earlier FT supplements, as the locations only have very brief details. The adventures provide quite a bit of content, and the city could be fleshed out more if desired using the existing details as a base, plus players could get involved in the entire revolution track, which isn’t covered in the adventures. FT – Ru-Marta is a decent urban location, and it’s free, so click here to get it.





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