Urban Dressing: Thieves

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Urban Dressing: Thieves

Urban Dressing: Thieves by Josh Vogt is a role playing game supplement published by Raging Swan Press for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a 15-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.75 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. Two pages are the front and rear covers, two the front matter and Contents and one is the Open Game License. The PDF comes in two versions, one designed for print and high-end devices, the other for mobile and low-end devices.

Urban Dressing: ThievesThe supplement is intended to be used for thieves in a city and consists of several options.

Table A: Pick Pockets & Confidence Tricksters is a d100 table with 31 results. Each gives the thief’s name, alignment, level, sex and species along with a short paragraph describing the sort of thing they do, which might be just generalities on thieving or specifics on stuff like confidence tricks and scams.

Table B: Thugs & Bashers is another d100 table with 15 results, again with name, alignment, level, sex and species. These are the more physically inclined thieves who are more likely to keep people in line or steal with brute force.

Table C: Skilled Thieves again is a d100 table with 33 results, with name, alignment, level, sex and species again. These are the more skilful varieties of thief, the sort that take pride in their work.

Table D: Specialists is a d100 table with 15 results, again with name, alignment, level, sex and species, and a paragraph on them. These thieves have more specialised skills.

Rogues & Thieves has four different stat blocks for thieves; cutpurse, human thief, thug and urchin.

Table E: Hooks, Complications & Opportunities is a d100 table with 50 results of various different events and adventure hooks of a thiefly bent.

Urban Dressing: Thieves in Review

The PDF is well bookmarked with major and minor sections linked. The Contents only covers the major sections, but is hyperlinked. Navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a few pieces of black and white stock art, up to full page in size. Presentation is okay.

This supplement has enough thieves to nearly completely flesh out any thieves’ guild a GM might want to set up; the exception is the upper ranks of the guild. They cover a range from the rank and file to the more skilful, and it would only take a bit more effort to create an entire thieves’ guild from this supplement, with the addition of a bunch of appropriate hooks and events as well. Urban Dressing: Thieves is a decent little supplement and it can be found by clicking here.






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