Unicorn Heist - A Hero Kids Compatible Adventure

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Unicorn Heist – A Hero Kids Compatible Adventure

Unicorn Heist – A Hero Kids Compatible Adventure by Joshua Bixler is a role playing game supplement published by Bix Six Adventures for use with Hero Kids.

This is a 34 page PDF that is available from DriveThruRPG for $2 but was purchased at the reduced price of $0.50 during a special offer. One page is the front cover and one the front matter.

The first page, Tips & Reminders, explains what is needed and that the adventure is combat-heavy. There are also some tips on combat and a suggestion that pets be discouraged from the adventure, as flying and riding pets have the potential to break some encounters.

Unicorn Heist - A Hero Kids Compatible AdventureThe Overview gives a breakdown for the adventure. The Great Unicorn is supposed to be visiting the village to bring prosperity, but gets kidnapped along the way. The unicorn’s kidnappers are themselves assaulted, and the unicorn is taken by another group, who in turn are assaulted and the unicorn is taken by a lich. The heroes need to find and rescue the unicorn.

The Prologue has the heroes in the tavern when they get news that the unicorn has been kidnapped. They are asked to chase after the bandits responsible, but not to stop for horses along the way.

The main encounters follow. These are the bandits on the road, the dark elves who attacked them then the three encounters in the mausoleum, which includes facing off against the lich.

Four pages have eight new monster cards, one has a new piece of equipment and the final five have battlemaps for the different encounters.

Unicorn Heist – A Hero Kids Compatible Adventure in Review

The PDF is reasonably bookmarked with the various major sections linked, although not the minor ones. Navigation is okay but it could be better. The text maintains a two column colour format and only one possible error was noticed, in the initial read aloud text where an NPC is stated to be telling the players, rather than the heroes. There are a variety of full colour illustrations, including on the monster cards, which appear to be custom, as well as the battlemaps. The battlemaps are a bit of a let down compared to the other illustrations, but otherwise presentation is very good.

This is, as it states in the tips section, a very combat-heavy adventure. There are only really a couple of times when non-combat skills can be used. Admittedly, one of these can get them out of combat and acquire them some allies, which is good. Still, it would be nice to have more Hero Kids adventures with other options than combat. It will also be important, as also stated in the tips, to ensure that the characters have a chance to heal, otherwise they can easily be overwhelmed as the adventure progresses and the encounters increase in difficulty. Scaling instructions for the encounters are also useful. Unicorn Heist – A Hero Kids Compatible Adventure is a nice, and generally nicely presented, adventure for Hero Kids and it can be found by clicking here.






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