Ultimate Options: Bardic Masterpieces

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Ultimate Options: Bardic Masterpieces

Ultimate Options: Bardic Masterpieces by Owen K.C. Stephens is a role playing game supplement published by Rogue Genius Games (originally Super Genius Games) for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a 15-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.99 but was purchased at a reduced price during a sale. One page is the front cover and Table of Contents and one the Credits and Open Game License.

The opening paragraphs explain that bardic masterpieces were introduced in Ultimate Magic and give bards more flavour than their previous look, adding a new ability in place of a feat or a spell. These are the ultimate expression of the bard’s art and give the bard more flexibility. It then explains how the masterpieces are laid out, which is similar to, but different from, how a feat is presented.

Ultimate Options: Bardic MasterpiecesThe masterpieces then follow. Each follows a standard format, beginning with a bit of story fluff, many of which link into pieces of flash fiction, followed by their prerequisites, cost, effect, use and action.

Call of the Crossroads allows a planar ally to be summoned at the crossroads. Crossroads, otherworldly entities and music already have a strong link, so this is appropriate.

Drums of War creates a rhythm that means all allies who can hear within range are treated as having the teamwork feat.

Divine Glorification allows spells from a domain granted by the bard’s patron deity to be added as spells known.

Galliard of Blades boosts abilities to become a very whirlwind of blades.

Genre Genesis adds a bonus to Charisma checks and allows the substitution of another skill.

Heartbeat of the Wild allows the bard to gain an animal companion.

Inhuman Harmony allows the bard to choose a creature type to affect that is not normally affected by bard spells.

Irresistible Dirge allows the bard to ask the dead questions.

Lexicon of Expressions allows the bard to send messages through expression alone.

Maestro of Cultures allows the bard to deescalate situations with creatures who may even be hostile.

Maestro of Faces means the bard can determine several details of a creature by observation.

Undulation of Enticements means the bard can strike a deal via a promise.

Unearthly Aria allows allies to gain access to a class feature one level above normal or a bonus.

Writ of Bardic Immunity gives the bard what can only be called diplomatic immunity.

Finally, a sidebar looks at the abilities granted to a luminary from Anachronistic Adventurer: The Luminary would work as bardic masterpieces.

Ultimate Options: Bardic Masterpieces in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with the various major sections linked. The Table of Contents is to a similar level of depth. Navigation is decent. The text maintains Super Genius’s old three-column landscape format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of pieces of colour art. Presentation is decent.

This is a nice collection of new bardic masterpieces with some interesting effects, most of which are pretty decent. The fluff intro also helps picture the masterpiece in action better than the dry game crunch does. Ultimate Options: Bardic Masterpieces has some nice options for any bards in a campaign and it can be found by clicking here.






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