
A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Tournaments

Tournaments by Bill Gant is a role playing game supplement published by Columbia Games Inc. for use with Hârn and HârnMaster.

The supplement is available as a 14-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $8.99 but was purchased at a reduced price thanks to a special discount.

The supplement opens with an explanation that the tournament is a martial sport that started as mock battles that could be just as fatal as the real thing and evolved into something more refined. They are common in the civilised kingdoms of Hârn and some of the annual tournaments are listed. Sidebars have the fees for taking part and who, in kingdoms dominated by the church of Larani, is barred from taking part.

Tournament Hosts explains that any king, great noble or religious fighting order can host one, but their costs mean that few but royalty do.

TournamentsKnights of the Tournament explains that maybe a quarter of knights hold land whilst the others do not, known as bachelor-knights, and these usually outnumber regular knights by a greater degree. Three types of non-typical knights are covered. Black knights are those that bear no coat of arms and hide their face. Champion knights are those who fight as proxies for their lords. Female knights are allowed to participate, though it is difficult and, despite most knights worshipping a female warrior, fighting is treated as a man’s business. A sidebar covers the typical retinue size; too large or too small for the participant’s rank is frowned on.

Steeds discusses the horses brought by the knight, and by a lady travelling with them.

Tournament Venue describes what the venue will be like, who else might be there and the pageantry.

Marshals and Judges covers those who arrange and record the tournament, and arbitrate it. Sidebars cover ladies present – the presence of young ladies and knights gets both competing for attention – and the concept of favours granted by ladies; a token given to the knight.

Tournament Weapons covers the sorts of weapons used for the different events; weapons are designed to be less lethal than normal.

Tournament Armour covers this, divided into different categories; poor, average and wealthy. The armour worn is listed, together with the cost.

Religious Influences looks at the Church of Larani and the Church of Peoni and their influence on tournaments. A sidebar covers various related things and other churches that might be involved.

Tournament Events covers the two main events; the joust and the melee. How these are run and associated material such as attendants, gambling and rules are included. Other events are briefly described and prizes are covered, and a sidebar looks at social activities at a tournament.

Tournaments in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and is long enough with enough different sections that they would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text follows either a single column with sidebar or two column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of colour and black and white images, which may or may not be custom. Presentation is decent.

Like many Hârn supplements, this functions more as a system-neutral supplement than one for HârnMaster. The only specific material in it is prices, and that related more to Hârn than HârnMaster. There are no rules for running a tournament, with the supplement instead providing information as to what happens at them. Using the material should be relatively easy, by taking normal combat rules and modifying them somewhat. Given how long the melee lasts, and how many are involved in it, that would probably be the least fun and most complicated to play; the joust will be much easier. Tournaments is a useful supplement giving background for these and it can be found by clicking here.






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