A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement The Water Leaper: A Creature for Vaesen

The Water Leaper: A Creature for Vaesen by Graeme Davis is a role playing game supplement published by Free League Publishing through the Free League Workshop Community Content Programme for use with Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying.

The supplement is available as a four page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover and one the credits and related material.

The Water Leaper: A Creature for VaesenThe layout of the vaesen follows the same structure as seen in other supplements. First, there is some flavour text related to the creature, and then a description. Water leapers are native to Wales and look like large toads with wings; some have venomous tales. They will attack almost anything, including swimmers and livestock, preferring meat to fish, and will destroy nets and lines.

Following this are details on the water leaper’s characteristics, magical powers, conditions and combat, the ritual needed to repel them and the secret about how to defeat them permanently. Something that’s different about the water leaper is that they may be simple animals, or more magical creatures. This is up to the individual GM and will affect how the water leapers can be fought.

Finally, there are three adventure hooks related to water leapers, which given their aquatic environment are related to rivers in some way.

The Water Leaper: A Creature for Vaesen in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with the major sections linked. Given the length, navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a couple of old public domain illustrations. Presentation is okay.

This is another new creature, and another one with an essentially Celtic background, making it more suitable for Mythic Britain & Ireland than the core game; it is, in fact, by the author of that supplement, and would appear to be a vaesen that could not be fitted in the book. The Water Leaper: A Creature for Vaesen is a decent short supplement that adds a new vaesen and it can be found by clicking here.


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