The Ghosting of Lady Quay

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement The Ghosting of Lady Quay

The Ghosting of Lady Quay by Lance Hawvermale is a role playing game supplement published by Frog God Games for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result. The supplement is also available in a version for Swords & Wizardry.

The supplement is available as a 21-page ODF from DriveThruRPG for $11 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover, one the front matter, one the Table of Contents and one the Open Game License.

The opening paragraph explained that this adventure is intended for a party of four Tier 2 characters and is set in the Domain of Hawkmoon (which is in the Lost Lands), but can be moved to other settings.

The Ghosting of Lady QuayAdventure Background explains that ghosting is a term used when a ship sails in calm water in the absence of wind, and that the Lady Quay is notable for this. The ship is owned by an experienced captain who recently lost her former ship, and the one she loved, to pirates. However, this is not entirely true and what did happen is then detailed.

Adventure Synopsis gives a quick rundown of the events.

Adventure Hooks has several ways of involving the characters when they are approached by the bosun of the Lady Quay, who is looking for crew and marines to hire.

Beginning the Adventure has the characters attacked by dockside brigands, and after fighting them off the Lady Quay‘s bosun approaches them and tries to recruit them.

Aboard the Lady Quay maps the ship and details all the various locations. Confronting the Captain is what happens if the characters discover some of the ship’s secrets.

Voyage to the Isle is the voyage itself, which just has half a dozen encounters that could be had.

Aegis Isle is the destination, where the ship will be greeted by crabfolk working on behalf of the sorcerer who lives there and Master’s Lair is the home of the island’s ruler.

Concluding the Adventure wraps things up.

Appendix A: Creatures of The Ghosting of Lady Quay has stat blocks for the monsters, which come from a number of sources.

Appendix B: New Magic Items has three new items that can be found.

Appendix C: Player Maps has unlabelled maps of the Lady Quay and the Master’s Lair.

The Ghosting of Lady Quay in Review

The PDF is bookmarked but only the major sections are linked. The Table of Contents is to a similar level of depth. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two-column colour format and appeared to be free of error. There are a number of colour illustrations, some of which appear to be custom, including one for every monster, as well as the maps. Presentation is good.

There are some twists to the adventure, the primary one being about the Lady Quay itself, which shouldn’t be too hard to find out, as the captain will disclose what really happened pretty willingly. It looks to be a simple delivery job, but it isn’t. There’s a twist on the island itself, but it’s possible that the characters may never discover this, if they aren’t the right type of nosy. The Ghosting of Lady Quay is a decent little adventure but it’s really expensive at full price and it can be found by clicking here.






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