A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Quick Wilds: Fellfog Forest

Quick Wilds: Fellfog Forest is a generic role playing game supplement written and published by John “Ross” Rossomangno.

The supplement is available as a five-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $0.95. One page is ads. The PDF comes in two versions, one a more printer friendly version that lacks the page backgrounds.

The first page has a hex map of the region, though not every hex is described.

Quick Wilds: Fellfog ForestThe Region starts with a brief history of the area and the current situation, then describes some of the hexes, though some of these are then covered later in more detail.

Vinadax and His Lair gives a history of the dragon, which expands on some of what was described earlier, who is currently dominating the region through a patsy and his interest in a historical dragon, along with a description of the lair.

Hardell gives an overview of the village that is the main, but now dying, settlement in the region, which is dominated by the dragon’s representative who has raised a militia that benefits itself more than it does the inhabitants.

Iylsaer gives an overview of some elven ruins that can be found in the region.

Random Encounters has a 2d6 table of encounters, which are modified by how close the characters are to Hardell.

Quick Wilds: Fellfog Forest in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with major sections linked. Navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. Apart from the hex map, there is a single black and white illustration. Presentation is okay.

This supplement briefly describes an area that could be dropped into a setting comparatively easily. There are no stats, though it’s clearly aimed at something like Dungeons & Dragons and the monsters should be easy enough to find standard stats for. It could have done with some maps of some of the more important locations, and more descriptions, but if given the price, those shouldn’t be expected and overall it’s good value for money. Quick Wilds: Fellfog Forest can be found by clicking here.


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