Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Tomb of the Lost King

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King

Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King by Justin Halliday is a role playing game supplement published by Hero Forge Games for use with the Hero Kids game system. The system itself is aimed at children from age 4 to age 10 and this is a six encounter adventure with a difficult rating.

The PDF is available on RPGNow for $2.99 and can also be purchased at a reduced price with the Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure Pack 1 Bundle, the Hero Kids – Starter Fantasy PDF Bundle or the Hero Kids – Complete Fantasy PDF Bundle. The last is how the adventure was bought. In addition, it is one of the adventures in the Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure Compendium which is available as a print on demand softcover book.

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Tomb of the Lost KingThe PDF is the version reviewed and has 25 pages, one of which is the full colour front cover, and which comes in a landscape format. There are two versions of the PDF, one of which lacks the colour parchment-style page backgrounds and is therefore printer friendly.

The adventure begins with a list of what is required to play it, which includes the core rulebook as well as dice, print-outs of monsters, cards, maps and tokens and a pencil and eraser. This is followed by the standard background for the publisher’s supplements, which are all set in the Brecken Vale, followed by an overview of the adventure – the children are woken by a ghost of a lost king whose tomb they need to explore overcoming challenges in order to gain a prize and then the actual introduction.

Each encounter has a labelled map for the GameMaster. There is one encounter in the graveyard outside the tomb and five inside it where the players will face a range of combat and ability challenges. Once successful, they can gain the reward.

Following the adventure are seven pages of black and white player maps, larger than the GM’s versions and unlabelled. Next are two pages with five monster cards on them. There are then two more pages of monster tokens. Finally is a single page with four Equipment cards, the rewards for completing the adventure. These cards can also be found in the Hero Kids – Fantasy Expansion – Equipment Cards supplement.

Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King in Review

The PDF is well bookmarked with every encounter, map and section from the adventure included. The various printout materials at the end are not listed, but these are only printed out, not referred to, so they do not need listing. There is no contents but on the whole navigation is above average.

The text maintains a two column format and no errors were noted. Apart from the front cover, the only illustrations are the maps, equipment and monsters; these are fine and enough to run the adventure, being the most essential parts.

Where ability tests can be performed in the adventure, there are multiple different tests allowing children many ways of discovering the same thing. This adds a degree of flexibility. The first encounter is the most challenging, as the players need to decide to break off from a combat that they are told they cannot win. As tends to be quite typical, the adventure is pretty linear in nature, but there are various challenges all the same.

Hero Kids – Fantasy Adventure – Tomb of the Lost King is a good, somewhat challenging adventure for children and it can be found by clicking here.





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