A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Enemies of NeoExodus: Lucia Krille (PFRPG)

Enemies of NeoExodus: Lucia Krille (PFRPG) by Neal Litherland is a role playing game supplement published by LPJ Design for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a seven-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $2.25 but was purchased at a reduced price during a sale. One page is the front cover, about a third is ads and one the Open Game License

Enemies of NeoExodus: Lucia Krille (PFRPG)This is an enemy NPC for the publisher’s NeoExodus setting. The opening paragraphs explain that Lucia Krille was a thief, but not an exceptional one, when she stole a package that engulfed her in flames that didn’t burn. When someone tried to cut off her hand, her skin turned to stone. Krille, the Stoneskin Thief is the CR 4 incarnation of the NPC, after this happened.

More than a Thief… continues her story where she was experimented on by an alchemist. Krille, the Hard Case, is the CR 8 version.

Krille, the Hurricane is the name of the next section and the CR 12 incarnation as the alchemical process continued to change her.

Finally, Krille the Ever-Changing is the CR 16 version where she has been changed again by another compound created by the alchemist that made the first, turning her from a human to a native elemental outsider.

Enemies of NeoExodus: Lucia Krille (PFRPG) in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with the major sections linked. Given the length, navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column colour format and it looks like there were some minor errors. There’s a single illustration, the full-length version of the cover image. Presentation is good.

Lucia Krille looks like she may have been designed more using the monster rules than the NPC ones, but is an interesting character. One part that’s definitely interesting is not just giving her at multiple CRs, but giving the story that’s behind each of those CRs. No tips are given on using Krille, and it’s possible that she might not actually be an enemy; less likely in her final incarnation, but she’s never evil. Enemies of NeoExodus: Lucia Krille (PFRPG) is an interesting NPC and can be found by clicking here.


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