Behind the Claw

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Behind the Claw

Behind the Claw by Martin J. Dougherty is a role playing game supplement published by Mongoose Publishing for use with Traveller.

The supplement is available as a PDF collection from DriveThruRPG for $35.99 but was purchased at a reduced price during a sale. The supplement is also available in printed form from sites such as Amazon. There are three PDFs in the DriveThruRPG version, which is the one reviewed.

Behind the Claw is the primary, 289-page PDF with one page being the front cover, one the front matter and Contents, three being the Index and one an ad.

Behind the ClawThe Introduction explains that the Deneb and Spinward Marches sectors lie far from the Imperial core, with potentially dangerous frontiers and the Great Rift separating them from the rest of the Empire and other polities on the borders. A full-page map showing the relative positions of the two sectors to many others, and the major powers of the region, follows.

Chapter One: Charted Space starts with some basics on directions in space, astrographic features, system mainworlds, starports and spaceports, travel and communications, the Travellers’ Aid Society and the Ancients.

The Spinward Marches begins with an overview and a map of the sector. This is followed by a history of the sector, and major powers within it. States and Peoples of the Marches covers the various species and powers in the region, from those that are local or major powers to those widespread species that largely lack their own worlds in the region. Each is covered in varying levels of detail, with the Imperium getting the most.

The subsectors of the Spinward Marches are then described. Each is given an overview, system list, subsector map, details on some important planets and, in some cases, descriptions of new vehicles, including deck plans, and some new creatures.

Deneb starts with a brief overview of the sector and its sometimes-vigorous politics, then covers first impressions, the sector’s history and an example of Denebian politics. Deneb’s early history and settlement is followed by the Civil War era, post-war and Deneb today. Details on the Imperium in Deneb and ducal powers are followed by the different powers in the region. The Imperial Navy is a major one, then the eight duchies are covered with their areas of control in the sector. Corporations are followed by minor states and powers, places of interest, research stations and then minor races. Next are some details on various ships, the technology of Vincennes and demilitarised vessels.

The Spinward MarchesThe subsectors of Deneb are then described, in the same manner as the Spinward Marches, though some that border on, and are effectively in, the Great Rift are given less detail. Each is given an overview, system list, subsector map, details on some important planets and, in some cases, descriptions of new vehicles, including deck plans, and some new creatures.

In various places throughout the supplement are new spaceships including deck plans, new races and some new technology, as well as various sidebars on related subjects to the nearby text.

The other two PDFs are both a single page in length and are sector maps of the Spinward Marches and Deneb.

Behind the Claw in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with major sections and some subsections linked, but they could be deeper. The Contents just shows the major chapters and is partly hyperlinked. The Index is divided into different sections; Worlds, Fauna, Equipment, Vehicles and Ships, making it more thorough, but is only partly hyperlinked. Navigation should be better. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a lot of colour illustrations, most if not all custom, depicting ships, species, deck plans and other material, as well as the maps, up to full page in size. Presentation is good.

Behind the Claw expands the universe of Traveller by describing two new sectors, both with the Imperium being by far the major power in the area, and in one sector it is almost the only power of note, though there are still others on the borders. There are still independent polities of note; the Sword Worlds, for example, are covered in their own supplement. Only a handful of the worlds, and there are a lot of them, are covered in any more detail than just a single line on a subsector list, but even the few that are covered have a wealth of potential adventure hooks to find. Behind the Claw is a nice expansion to the Traveller setting, with many new ships, and it can be found by clicking here.






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