#30 Battle Standards (PFRPG)

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement #30 Battle Standards (PFRPG)

#30 Battle Standards (PFRPG) by Thomas LeBlanc is a role playing game supplement published by Rite Publishing for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a 17-page PDF from DriveThruRPG fort $2.07 but was purchased at a reduced price during a sale. One page is the front cover, one the front matter, one the Open Game License and one is an ad.

30 Battle Standards from Grivt’s Reserve starts with a description of a dwarf-run shop that sells battle standards. Following this, the standards are divided into seven different categories and each category has a piece of in-universe fiction at the beginning, followed by a description of the type of standard, then the standards themselves.

#30 Battle Standards (PFRPG)Banners are standards are flags measuring at least 2′ by 4′ meant to be displayed on a frame or such as a lance. It doesn’t work if laid flat. There are two banners, each of which comes in several types, and the owner is linked to it by a badge.

Cavalry Guidons are lances, spears or staffs with a flag on the top end. There are eight different guidons.

Garrison Flags are normally at least 6′ by 10′ and provide a benefit to a single continuous structure, such as a castle, but it could be a hut. There are five different flags.

Infantry Guidons are wooden poles with a metal capped base, ornate top and flag below. There are five different guidons.

Pennons are narrow cloth flags flown from a knight’s lance or similar. There are three different pennons.

Sashimo are small banners attached to an inverted L-shaped pole. There are four of these.

Vexillums are poles with finials, crossbars and cloths. There are three of these.

Adventuring Gear is mundane equipment that is related to flags, from books of heraldry to flag carriers and poles.

There is a single new feat, Flagbearer, which gives a benefit when holding a flag.

Finally, Grivt Lungpiercer is a CR 8 dwarf NPC, though it’s unlikely that characters will meet him in combat, His stats, history and a boon are given.

#30 Battle Standards (PFRPG) in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with major sections linked. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of colour stock images related to flags as well as a black and white image for the dwarf. Presentation is decent.

This is an interesting collection of magic items with a wide range of effects, and different uses, though all essentially connected to war. They provide many different benefits, from making the enemy unable to communicate effectively to sending a blast against an attacker. Though outside of battle, some of these may have limited use, others will work well for smaller groups of enemies, or allies. In addition, many of the standards don’t work unless they are properly displayed. Attacking an enemy standard, or trying to capture a flag, will have a real effect in these cases, not just cause morale issue. Users of the standards will suffer a definite decrease in their capabilities, from minor to major, when a flag is lost. #30 Battle Standards (PFRPG) is an interesting collection of standards and it can be found by clicking here.






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