Mini Quest: Beware the Wyvern Wood by David Dudka is a free role playing game supplement published by Survive RPG for use with Dungeons & Dragons. No edition is specified, but the supplement looks like it would be most suited to OSR games. This is a short adventure, part of the Mini Quest series.
This is a three page PDF which is available for free from RPGNow. One of the pages is an ad for other products.
The characters are met by an agent of the local baron in a small village. The baron was attempting to have a road put through the Northern Wood, but the work party was attacked by a Wyvern and the baron wants the characters to deal with the problem so that work can recommence. Before the characters leave, they are given a talisman by a local druid which works like a forest friend spell to those within 10′.
Next are the encounters in the woods, 12 in total, the last being with the wyvern. Many of the encounters have different possible outcomes, which can affect the party’s honour points. The honour points are something specifically designed for this adventure; how honourably the characters act will affect the outcome of the adventure.
The PDF lacks bookmarks but, with only two pages of content, doesn’t need any. The text maintains a two column format and one persistent error was noted repeatedly, using “it’s” instead of “its.”
There is a colour map of the woods and the nearby town, which is fairly simple. There are also a number of black and white illustrations, which would appear to be specific to the adventure. For a two page PDF, presentation is very good.
The overall feel of the adventure is of a wilderness hex crawl, only without the hexes. A GM could also quite easily expand this by adding hexes and more random encounters as well, perhaps turning this into a bigger adventure than it is.
The honour point system is interesting. In many encounters, the characters will have an easy, profitable or violent option they can follow, and these will affect the outcome of the adventure negatively. To be successful, the players will need to behave well.
It should be easy enough to drop this adventure into many settings; all that is really needed is a wood and a village. Mini Quest: Beware the Wyvern Wood is a decent short adventure that has the potential to be developed further and it can be downloaded for free by clicking here.
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