Shore Leave

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Shore Leave

Shore Leave by Jospeh Mohr is a role playing game supplement published by Old School Role Playing for use with Cepheus Engine. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a 36 page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. Two pages are the front and rear covers, three the front matter and three the Open Game License.

Shore LeaveThe opening paragraphs talks about shore leave and how everyone in Sonora – the adventure is set in the Frontiers of Space – knows about the pleasure planet of Tronxa.

Patron explains there isn’t one; the characters are heading to Tronxa of their own accord.

Complications lists the various issues and dangers on the planet.

Encounters in Tronxa City is a 3d6 table of random encounters.

Events in the City is a 2d6 table of events, which are briefly described and later described in more detail.

Tronxa City maps the city itself.

A Helpful Friend… Or Is He? has stats for a potential fixer and some thugs.

The Sonoran Tattoo is a disease that can be picked up on the planet.

Scams has six of these.

Drugs has some recreational drugs available to buy.

Theft just explains this is a problem.

Gambling on Tronxa has some brief rules for different gambling games.

What is a Little Mugging Among Friends? covers how some visitors get mugged.

Bar Brawls briefly covers these.

Duels explains duelling is illegal but happens.

Alcohol looks at the chance of getting a bad batch of alcohol.

What Else Can Go Wrong are more problems.

Shore Patrol is a 2d6 table of people looking for trouble.

Law Enforcement is a 1d6 table of cops.

Visitors is a 6d6 table of visitors.

Ladies is a 2d6 table of brothel ladies.

Tavern Employees is a 2d6 table of these.

Casino Employees has 2d6 of these.

Restaurant Employees is a 1d6 table of them.

Cartel Employees has 1d6 of these.

Medical Personnel has 1d6 of these.

Hotel Personnel has 1d6 of these.

Other Locals or Visitors has 3d6 of others to encounter.

Putting it All Together explains that there are a lot of potential encounters.

Other Adventures has six adventure hooks.

The final page of content has a map of the city.

Shore Leave in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and has enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a single column format and some minor errors were noticed. Bar the map and covers, there are no illustrations. Presentation is adequate.

The NPC stats are often covered in too much detail, which is common; most could do with just one or two stat blocks and some names. As it explains, this isn’t an adventure but a locale that can be visited. Quite why it needs an entire planet when the area of interest is just a city is not answered, though the city could be dropped into a variety of settings. Though any such setting would need a fairly lax approach to law enforcement regarding the city. Though this is supposed to be a pleasure destination, it will probably be about as much fun for such as can be expected from a place completely run by criminals and those looking to scam, steal or otherwise rip off visitors. Shore Leave can be found by clicking here.





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