A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement FIRE GOOD!

FIRE GOOD! is a role playing game written and published by William Cronk.

The supplement is available as an 11-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover and one and a half pages are the front matter and Contents.

FIRE GOOD!What You Need explains that you need 4-6 people, one of whom runs the game. The GM is the RUN GAME PEEP; the players are the FUR CLAD CAVE PEEPS. Also needed are d6s and writing materials.

The GAME gives some brief instructions, explains there are MORE RULES at the end and the game is played in three parts.

The THINK PART explains that the GM tells the players where the fire clan lives and where the fire is. The players can exchange a die for a truth and the players come up with a plan. There is an example of play.

The DO PART has the players doing the plan. Two dice are rolled when things get tough; 5 or 6 on either beats the tough stuff, otherwise it gets worse and the GM gets the dice. If the players only have one die, the GM can give one up to them in exchange for making things worse. This part keeps going until the players run out of dice or steal fire. Again, there is an example.

The RUN PART has the characters running in a chase scene or a fight scene. If the players lack dice, they have a problem. The game ends when a good ending point comes up. There is another example.

MORE RULES explains the characters can have a word, which allows the players to roll one more die than normal if their word can come into play. If the roll fails, only one die is lost. The word should be picked at the end of the THINK PART. There is a final example.

The LAST WORD is just a brief paragraph from the author.

FIRE GOOD! in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with the various sections linked. The Contents is to a similar level of depth and is hyperlinked. Navigation is good. The text maintains a single column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of black and white illustrations. Presentation is decent.

This is a very short self-contained game; not only is it digest sized but there isn’t much text. The examples of play are longer than the rules. The game is probably not suitable for more than a one-shot, and it is a very light game with little in the way of rules, being more narrative based than anything. The game is probably too much at full price, but other than that it could be an interesting diversion. FIRE GOOD! can be found by clicking here.





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