Feng Shui Poker by Andrew J Lucas is a role playing game published by Charon Productions.
The supplement is available as a six-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $1.75 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. Two pages are the front and rear covers.
The opening paragraph explains that this is intended to be a hand-to-hand combat game for 2-4 players, though more could be possible.
It then states that as long as you can play cards and do maths, and are between 10 and 100, you can probably play.
Game Components are a chess board or a flat surface where movement can be measured, a pack of cards for each player and a token or miniature to represent the characters.
Setting up the game: explains that each player places their token on the edge of the board closes to them, then shuffles and places their deck of cards. There is a diagram showing how a hand is laid out.
Playing the game: starts by determining initiative by drawing cards; the highest has initiative and may move first or wait. Each token is moved a number of spaces up to the card’s value. If any tokens are in base-to-base contact, combat is entered. Cards are drawn, the number determined by the level, and if a poker hand is present, there is a combo which has an effect. Following this melee is done.
Combat Rules explains how this works; red cards are defence, black are attack. How the cards work is then covered. Players whose Draw and Discard Decks are empty are knocked out.
Feng Shui Poker in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and is short enough that they aren’t needed. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a single column format and appeared to be free of errors. There is a single diagram. Presentation is okay.
First, this game seems to be incomplete. The number of cards drawn is determined by the character’s level. How the character’s level is determined – does not seem to be explained. By the looks of it, the game continues until only one character has not been knocked out. The game looks to be simple, just not very entertaining. Feng Shui Poker can be found by clicking here.
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