Eye of the Wyrm

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Eye of the Wyrm

Eye of the Wyrm by Claycle is a role playing game supplement published by Free League Publishing through the Free League Workshop Community Content Programme for use with Forbidden Lands.

The supplement is available as a ten page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover and Introduction.

Eye of the WyrmThe Introduction just has a brief paragraph on the Wyrm.

About this Calendar explains that it expands on the material in the Gamemasters Guide to make a complete and usable calendar. It explains that some assumptions are made about the length of the seasons and the year, and what the days of the weeks are called.

Using the Calendar explains that at the top of each there is a space to write in the current year. The days each have icons for the Quarter Days, tinted to show the day/night cycle. The phases of the moon are shown each day and the season has the Forage bonus or penalty for that season.

The remaining eight pages of the supplement are taken up by the calendars themselves, one to a page for each season, laid out in the explained way.

Eye of the Wyrm in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, though they are not essential, they would have been useful. Navigation is okay. The text, what little there is, follows a single column format and appeared to be free of errors. Bar the cover, there are technically no illustrations, though the calendars themselves could be considered such. Presentation is okay.

This is a fairly simple supplement that is intended to add a degree of depth to the game through the use of a working calendar and that it does do. If exact dates are not going to play much of a role in the game, then this will have little use, but elements of the Forbidden Lands do depend on such things. Eye of the Wyrm can be found by clicking here.





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