The Returned Brother

Free Role Playing Game Supplement Review: The Returned Brother

The Returned Brother by Philip Alexandris is a role playing game supplement published by Kelfecil’s Tales for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

The supplement is available as a 20-page PDF for free from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover, one the front matter, a third the Table of Contents and art credits, three are ads and one is ads and back matter.

The End? is a piece of fluff set before the actual adventure starts.

The Returned BrotherThe Introduction is about Kelfecil’s Tales and their design philosophy rather than the adventure.

Quick Adventure Info gives the recommended APL, 5, themes of combat, exploration and social interaction, setting, being any or the Starlight Chronicles, and time, being 6 hours.

Adventure Summary explains that the Nalar Zaillo left for the ruined city of A’Nelia and didn’t return. His sister hires the characters to go look for him, but Zaillo returns just as they are about to depart and escorts them back.

Setting Info explains that the adventure takes place in a deep underwater region, part of the publisher’s setting.

Maps Used lists these.

Background gives some details on A’Nelia, an abandoned and ruined city. Nalar leaders have officially forbidden entry, but some, such as Zaillo, go anyway seeking treasure. It explains what happened to Zaillo and the characters being hired.

NPC Backstories gives details on Zaillo and his sister, Inda.

Adventure Hooks has three to get the characters involved.

Prologue is the characters and Inda getting ready as Zaillo returns.

Act 1: The Journey has them heading to the ruined city.

Act 2: A’Nelia has them at a location in the city.

Act 3: The Hydra is the final confrontation.

Aftermath looks at the conclusion of the quest and has a new staff.

Appendix: Stat Blocks has these for any NPCs and monsters.

The Returned Brother in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and is long enough with enough different sections that these would have been useful. The Table of Contents covers the various sections and is hyperlinked. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are some colour illustrations. Presentation is decent.

Though the adventure is set in the publisher’s setting, it is in an ocean so should be easy to drop in many places. The only real problem is the Nalar, which are a new aquatic species by the looks of it. Though their stats are given, little other information is. However, with the stat blocks being given, that makes it easier to swap them out for another aquatic species. The Returned Brother is a decent little adventure and it can be found by clicking here.





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