Gregorius21778: 20 Bookplate Spirits is a role playing game supplement from Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778 for use with Labyrinth Lord.
This is a seven page PDF that is available for free from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover and around two thirds of a page is the front matter.
About this freebie states that the inspiration for the idea came from the Sword & Stitchery blog.
Next, How to use this supplement explains that the supplement contains 20 examples of how a book – probably a spell book – could be protected against unauthorised reading and theft. A spell must be case to gain this protection and the 20 examples have the name and the spell level; technically, these are all spells. Such spells cast 100 gp per level to cast and at least a limited wish must be used to banish the bound spirit unless stated otherwise. Only the caster and those authorised by them are never affected.
Then there follow the 20 different spirits. These have names such as Curse of the Vengeful Flames – burns books in its vicinity – or Curse of the withered, inky finger – the index finger withers and turns black-blue for 3d6 days. The lowest level spell is 1, the highest is 8 – the last causes the thief to become obsessed with the book.
Gregorius21778: 20 Bookplate Spirits in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and at this length does not need them. The text maintains a single column format and is largely free of errors. Bar the page backgrounds, there are no illustrations; given the cost, presentation is fine.
These bookplate spirits cover a range of effects. Many are similar to curses, although remove curse spells rarely work on them. Nor does most magic excluding the aforementioned limited wish. It does seem a bit excessive that a 1st level spell requires a limited wish to shift it. An 8th level spell, yes, but there’s a big disparity in the levels between that needed to cast a level 1 spell and a limited wish. Still, this is a minor quibble; a GM can always rule that other appropriate spells could work; banish and remove curse for example. Gregorius21778: 20 Bookplate Spirits is a collection of interesting, and sometimes nasty, ways of making characters regret taking a book and it can be found by clicking here.
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