Witches of the Wenderweald: Issue 1 is a role playing game supplement written and published by Odinson Games.
The supplement is available as a 24 page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. Two pages are the front and rear covers.
The first two pages are essentially a six-panel comic for the setting.
This is the Wenderweald is an introduction in which the author explains this is their grim fantasy setting, originally created for a solo Cairn campaign but which has since expanded.
The next page as a d8 table, Why Did You Come Here, a 2d6 table, Who Are You?, and a d4 table, Be You Witch… or Witch Hunter? with two results for each.
Behold the Witch looks at the witch. It explains that in OSR encounters, elves should be replaced with witches, and gives some descriptions of what witches are and where they came from.
The Hart Supernal looks at the Stag Knights, the other class.
Following this are monster descriptions for the Snallygaster and Todorats.
Next is a hex map of the setting with some random tables for encounters and brief descriptions of various locations.
Gideon’s Reach and Fort Greymist are two of those locations mapped and described in more detail.
Cursed Witchery has d6 spells, as witches start with one grafted to their soul that they can cast without a spellbook and enhance it once every moon.
Weapons vs. Armor has some weapons and the advantages they have against different armours.
Next are various names, virtuous, forbidden and divine.
Divine the Fates is a page on which 6d6 are dropped to divine the fates.
The final two pages have various tables for wilderness encounters, adventure ideas, the dreadful oracle and portents of doom.
Witches of the Wenderweald: Issue 1 in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and is long enough with enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text format varies, usually but not always two or three columns, and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of black and white illustrations. Presentation is decent.
The layout looks to have been inspired to a degree by MÖRK BORG, though hasn’t descended into the hard to read depths of that game. There aren’t really any stats, making this a more generic supplement, and it should be comparatively easy to use it with a number of different systems, generally on the lighter side of the rules. Some elements could be used in other settings, though many are best used with the setting being defined in this. Witches of the Wenderweald: Issue 1 is a decent little supplement and it can be found by clicking here.
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