Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #13: Medical Devices is a role playing game supplement published by Skirmisher Publishing for use with the Mutant Future system. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License, though no parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result. The Wisdom from the Wastelands series introduces new options for Mutant Future and this one adds new options items of medical equipment.
The supplement is available as a seven-page PDF on DriveThruRPG for $0.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the Open Game License and front matter and one is ads.
The opening paragraph explains that science fantasy has tectological equivalents for healing and resurrecting the dead, and that this supplement has new medical devices.
The auto-medic was used by emergency services, heals damage and can hold doses of a drug.
The auto-injector injects the user with a drug when specific conditions are met.
The black ray destroys bacteria, viruses or fungi in the target as well as rendering them immune to such for a period.
The disease diagnosis companion grants an addition re-roll against disease.
The genetic damage restorer removes genetic defects.
The harmonic wand heals damage, though it’s most effective against kinetic damage.
The medical compatibility computer refers to Uplifts from Issue #6 and medical compatibility from Issue #8 and was designed to determine the chances of medical incompatibility as considered in those issues.
Nu-Skin is used to heal wounds, prevent bleeding and give a bonus against diseases.
RadBeGone heals radiation damage.
The regen wand heals damage when used.
The resurrector was experimental at the end and revives a dead body. There are potential side-effects, one of which being the person brought back starts to relapse unless they consume human tissue, which extends their lives. Which sounds rather like a flesh-eating zombie.
The second skin suit heals damage when worn.
The stasis generator will keep someone in unchanging stasis until they are brought out.
Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #13: Medical Devices in Review
The PDF is bookmarked with major sections linked. The Contents is to a similar depth and is hyperlinked. Navigation is decent. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be mostly free of errors. There are a number of illustrations, which are tweaked colour photos. Presentation is okay.
Each of the described pieces of equipment has quite a bit of fluff built into it, which is good, because many of them are fairly similar in general effect. A device that restores damage is a device that restores damage, though some do have additional effects and the amount of damage healed can vary; Mutant Future is a simple enough system that damage restoration is damage restoration, no matter what. Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #13: Medical Devices is a nice collection of new medical items and it can be found by clicking here.
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