Wilderness Dressing: Sea Voyages by Brian Gregory is a role playing game supplement published by Raging Swan Press for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.
The supplement is available as a 13-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.75 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. Two pages are the front and rear covers, one is an ad, three the front matter, Contents and Foreword and one the Open Game License. The PDF comes in two versions, one intended for print and high-end devices, one intended for low-end and mobile.
Table A: Shipboard Events is a d100 list of events that could happen during the voyage.
Table B: Omens is a d100 list with 50 results of omens to have, divided into good and bad luck.
Table C: Minor Encounters is a d100 list with 50 results on minor things that the ship could encounter.
Table D: Random Encounters is a d12 list of creatures that could be encountered. Notably, if rolling a d12, the chance of meeting a dolphin is exactly the same as that of meeting a kraken.
Shipboard Features List covers various features of a ship along with some stats for appropriate related things; destroying a mast, moving on the deck etc.
Wilderness Dressing: Sea Voyages in Review
The PDF is bookmarked with the various sections linked. The Contents is to a similar level of depth and is hyperlinked. Navigation is decent. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are some black and white stock illustrations. Presentation is decent.
As mentioned, the Random Encounters table as a d12 list has a serious problem, in that all encounters, no matter how dangerous, have the same chance of happening. This table would have been better as a d100 table with different chances for the different encounters happening. Other than that issue, which a GM can fix, this is a useful collection of tables for a sea voyage for anything from minor colour to potential adventure hooks. Wilderness Dressing: Sea Voyages can be found by clicking here.
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