vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to Anytown

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to Anytown

vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to Anytown by Lucus Palosaari is a role playing game supplement published by Fat Goblin Games for use with vs. Moon Men. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available from DriveThruRPG as an 11-page PDF for $3.95 although it was purchased at a reduced price in a special bundle. One page is the front cover, one the front matter, one the Contents, one the Open Game License and one an ad for vs. Ghosts.

vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to AnytownThis is an adventure for vs. Moon Men and the opening paragraphs explain that it’s been a few months since the Moonies took over and Anytown, where the characters live, would normally hold a Christmas parade and the owner of the cafe usually hands out gifts as Santa Claus. Local government has been taken over by supporters of the Moon Men.

Act 1: Here Comes Santa Claus has the characters attempting to see if they have curfew cards, the town now having a curfew. Both Santa and the local pastor applied for them; Frank/Santa was given one because his need was secular but the pastor was denied because his was religious and, as a result, Frank lost his as well. Which isn’t going to stop him.

Act 2: Jolly Old Saint Nick has the Christmas parade be cancelled as well. The characters may be able to get it reinstated during the meeting outside the town hall, or they may get stunned if the meeting turns into a riot. There are Moon Men enough to overwhelm the locals.

Act 3: Oh Come All Ye Faithful! sees the characters helping Frank deliver his presents, possibly getting involved in brawls with local deputies and a weak Moon Man detachment.

Act 4: A Very Messy Christmas gives options as to what might happen, from success to everyone being vaporised, with many points in-between.

Finally, there is a new good gimmick.

vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to Anytown in Review

The PDF is decently bookmarked, with the various sections linked. The Contents is also to a similar degree of depth and is also hyperlinked. Navigation, given the length, is good. The text maintains a two-column colour format, using the same presentation style of being a document folder as the core book, and seemed to be free of errors. There are some black and white and colour illustrations, although they don’t appear to be custom. Presentation is decent.

This is an adventure for a rules light system, therefore there aren’t many mechanical references in it. Frank is given stats, as an important NPC; others are Extras and the Moon Men use the stats from the core book. What happens is largely up to the characters, and some events are dependent on role playing rather than mechanical outcomes. vs. Moon Men Adventure: Santa Claus is Coming to Anytown is a decent little adventure for the system, although perhaps something on potential future adventures would have been appreciated, making this more suited to being a one shot, and it can be found by clicking here.





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