Tiny Spaceship is a role playing game written and published by Tanya Floaker and is a hack of Legally Blonde.
The supplement is available as a three-page PDF from itch.io for $3 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover, one the Designer’s Endnote and credits and the final page is actually a two-page spread.
In this game, one player is the Tiny Spaceship; if several people want the role, the shortest decides. Which is unusual. That player creates a one-sentence description and is the final arbiter on any facts about the Tiny Spaceship, which must not contradict established fiction.
The other players are all Dangers the Tony Spaceship will face. They create a short phrase about their Danger, they are also the final say about said Danger and facts must also not contradict established fiction.
To start, the Tiny Spaceship picks the Danger to face first, and a scene is narrated about it. There are three rules to shape the narrative; we come in peace, follow your curiosity and leave as little physical evidence behind as possible.
During a scene, the Tiny Spaceship may act Alien and draw unwanted attention but gain an Exploration token, or spend an Exploration token to aid with understanding.
Dangers must act with aggression, ignorance or greed. When the Tiny Spaceship acts alien, it always tries to constrain, imprison or immobilise the Tiny Spaceship, describe how the Danger separates a vital component or crew from the Tiny Spaceship or how it exploits the Tiny Spaceship’s naivete. When the Tiny Spaceship acts with Understanding, the Danger may be harmed by their refusal to change or learn, make a temporary retreat or redouble their efforts.
When a Danger is overcome, it either becomes an Accomplice or Retires. Accomplices help the Tiny Spaceship.
Once all Dangers are Accomplices or Retired, the game is over and the end is narrated.
Tiny Spaceship in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and at this length they are not needed. Navigation is fine. The text maintains a single column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are some pieces of black and white stock art. Presentation is decent.
This is essentially a collaborative narrative game, and therefore won’t be for everyone. It’s also debateable as to how much replayability it has, even though nothing is fixed and games can have different setups. At full price, the game is perhaps on the expensive side too. Tiny Spaceship can be found by clicking here.
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