The Nightcraft by Monte Cook is a role playing game supplement published by Monte Cook Games for use with Numenera. This is part of the Numenera Glimmers range of short supplements.
The supplement is available as a 10-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $2.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover and one is ads.
This supplement covers a single vessel, called the Nightcraft, one of those that used to fly between the worlds. The Nightcraft itself is mentioned in Into the Night and this supplement provides more details on it.
The Vessel gives an overview of the Nightcraft’s appearance and construction. It’s intelligent, but speaks an unknown language and lacks memory.
The Interior Chambers details the interior of the ship.
Finding the Craft has four ways the Nightcraft could be found.
Soaring into the Night discusses using the vessel.
The Weird of the Nightcraft has some weird effects for it.
Nightcraft Adventures has three adventure seeds.
The final three pages of the supplement have a map of the Nightcraft, a player’s version of the same map and a handout for players to make notes on.
The Nightcraft in Review
The PDF is bookmarked with the various sections linked. Navigation is good. The text maintains the standard two column with sidebar colour format, with the side having stats, references to other books and other relevant information. There are some colour illustrations. Presentation is good.
This is basically a starship book. It covers a single vessel in some detail, though not as much as would be found in others; probably because technology in Numenera is a bit different. The adventure hooks are useful, but this is not a cheap supplement at full price; at the price it was purchased for, it was well worth it. Do not expect this to cover a starship in great detail; there’s maybe a page of material on the ship itself. The Nightcraft can be found by clicking here.
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