The Greatest Treasure in the Galaxy

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement The Greatest Treasure in the Galaxy

The Greatest Treasure in the Galaxy by Raúl García-Castro is a role playing game supplement that is published by Farin’s Workshop for use with the Hero Kids system.

This is available as a 28 page PDF from DriveThruRPG as a Pay What You Want supplement. One page is the front cover. The PDF is also available as a Spanish version, which is the primary version, and as an English translation, which is the version reviewed.

The Greatest Treasure in the GalaxyAbout a third of the first page is the Credits but it also explains that this adventure is intended for use with the Space Heroes expansion, so space hero cards are needed. There is also an overview of the adventure and what is included.

The heroes are sent to a planet where there is an ongoing archaeological expedition. There, they encounter some Gruuks (whose image looks rather like Star Trek: TOS Klingons) attempting to hijack some excavation robots. The characters will repair the robots, discover a stone colossus, find a map to another planet in the system, head there, engaging in a space battle on the way, recover an egg and return it to the first planet and engage in a final mecha battle.

Included in the adventure are two puzzles. One of these requires puzzle pieces to be cut out and rearranged to fix the robots – it’s like the puzzles where pipes are rotated – and the second is to identify which is the correct planet to travel to.

The Appendix has rules for combat between star vehicles.

The next four pages are the illustrations for the two puzzles. Three more have battlemaps for different locations. Another page has monster cards for the Gruuk with a miniature each, another has cards for the two space ships and finally there is another for two mecha. The last three pages has miniatures for the mecha, space ships and more Gruuk.

The Greatest Treasure in the Galaxy in Review

The PDF is bookmarked but not very deeply – the Spanish version has more – and the English version’s bookmarks are in Spanish. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a single column black and white layout and there are a few places where the grammar is incorrect, the wrong word is used or the phrasing is awkward, but given that the supplement has been translated into a second language, it is overall decent enough and none of the errors make it impossible to use. A few may require the GM to read and rephrase them first, but that’s all. There are some black and white illustrations but these are taken from monster cards or puzzle handouts; presentation is still pretty decent.

The Space Kids version does not have a whole lot of content available for it so it’s nice to see a new adventure that’s compatible with it. The inclusion of a couple of puzzles is also a nice touch, especially as one involves kids rearranging physical pieces. A truly nice addition is the inclusion of vehicle combat rules; a GM could create their own spaceships and mecha and have a new dimension to battles. The Greatest Treasure in the Galaxy is a nice adventure for Hero Kids and it can be found by clicking here.





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