The Gray Wolf Tavern

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement The Gray Wolf Tavern

The Gray Wolf Tavern by Joseph Mohr is a role playing game supplement published by Old School Role Playing for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The Gray Wolf TavernThe supplement is available as a 60 page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover, three the front matter and three the Open Game License.

Dungeon Master Introduction explains that taverns are a common starting place and this supplement has a basic tavern and an adventure for a starting level group, as well as some adventure hooks and rumours.

The Gray Wolf Tavern gives an overview description.

Prices at the Tavern has some food and drink prices.

Employees of the Gray Wolf has some NPCs, some of whom have stats.

Key to the Gray Wolf Tavern describes the tavern itself, together with an underground area that is occupied by creatures.

Adventure Hooks from this Tavern has five hooks.

Rumors in the Tavern has ten rumours.

Some Non Player Characters to Use in the Tavern has ten of these.

The final two pages of content have maps of the tavern.

The Gray Wolf Tavern in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and is long enough with enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a single column format and some minor errors were noticed. There are some black and white and colour stock illustrations. Presentation is okay.

Much of the supplement is taken up by NPC and monster stats, which are not laid out that effectively, some taking up five pages or so. In addition, the ten NPCs that aren’t employees are not described; they are given a name and stats, which makes them less useful. It would have been better to just have some brief stats together with descriptions of the NPCs. These are essentially fodder for killing, yet that isn’t their function.

The tavern itself is useful, as such things generally are, and it should be easy enough to drop into most settings. The starting adventure is essentially a mini-dungeon accessed through the tavern. The Gray Wolf Tavern can be found by clicking here.





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