The Black Knight's Revenge

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement The Black Knight’s Revenge

The Black Knight’s Revenge by Joseph Mohr is a role playing game supplement published by Old School Role Playing for use with OSRIC. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

The supplement is available as a 34 page Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG. One page is the front cover, three the front matter and three the Open Game License.

The Black Knight's RevengeBackground Information explains that the adventure is a sequel to The Black Knight Rides but could be modified to be standalone. It recaps the events of that adventure and explains this one is intended for characters of levels 4-7.

Game Master Notes gives some details on the Black Knight and explains he now rides a nightmare.

Player Background explains that the characters return to Freeport to hear the Black Knight is raiding once more and the baron hires them to kill the knight once and for all, suggesting they return to his castle.

The Black Knight’s Revenge has random encounters outside and inside the castle.

Key to the Castle describes the castle itself. The above ground part is now in ruins but there are two dungeon levels. The characters can traverse these to encounter the Black Knight; there are a number of puzzles to solve, fortunately just for extra treasure not to proceed through, as well as some serious dangers.

New Non Player Class duplicates the material on the Shadow Knight from the first adventure.

New Magic Items has some new items.

The final three pages of content are maps of the castle.

The Black Knight’s Revenge in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and is long enough with enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two-column format and some minor errors were noticed. There are a variety of colour and black and white illustrations. Presentation is okay.

This is a potentially dangerous adventure that can, as mentioned, act as a sequel to the first but can also be standalone with a few tweaks. It is kind of odd that the old castle now has dungeons with more tricks and puzzles hidden in them, but this is an old school type adventure where such logic was ignored. The Black Knight’s Revenge can be found by clicking here.





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