Swordbreakers: An Elite Organization of the Strange by Bruce R. Cordell is a role playing game supplement published by Monte Cook Games for use with Cypher System and The Strange.
The supplement is available as a 16-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $2.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover, one the Table of Contents and front matter and one is ads.
Introducing the Swordbreakers explains that this resource introduces an elite team of NPCs to use as allies, or to join, including various details on them and their abilities.
Manifest Zeal (For the GM) starts by explaining that the Swordbreakers were recruited from an elite team from Earth who primarily deal with threats to Ardeyn.
Swordbreaker Alpha Team gives descriptions and stats for the four primary members, with notes as using them as PCs, as well as the fifth, the commander. This is followed by the history of the group and their current goals. A map of Ardeyn is used to explain where the group’s keep is, with some details on its defences, how to get there and locations.
Adventure Seeds has three detailed adventure seeds, including a dungeon map, an artefact and a link to the adventure in the core book.
Swordbreaking (For Player Characters) has details on how PCs might join the group as Bravo Team, including requirements, benefits and an artefact gained by joining.
Swordbreakers: An Elite Organization of the Strange in Review
The PDF is bookmarked, though not as deeply as it could be. The Table of Contents only covers the major sections. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two columns with sidebar colour format, and appeared to be free of errors. The sidebars include some stats, tips, references and relevant information. There are a number of colour illustrations, some of which appear to be custom. Presentation is good.
This supplement is what it sets out to be; a decently detailed description of a small organisation that PCs could ally with. Theoretically, they could come into conflict with them, but that would mean the characters are essentially playing the bad guys, unless such is through a misunderstanding. The hooks are detailed and the organisation should be easy to drop into place. Swordbreakers: An Elite Organization of the Strange is a nice little supplement describing a single group and it can be found by clicking here.
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