Rites of Transformation - a Zgrozy supplement

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Rites of Transformation – a Zgrozy supplement

Rites of Transformation – a Zgrozy supplement by Marek Golonka is a role playing game supplement published by Chaosium Inc. through the Miskatonic Repository Community Content Programme for use with Call of Cthulhu, the horror role playing game based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

Rites of Transformation - a Zgrozy supplementThe supplement is available as a Pay What You Want PDF from DriveThruRPG and comes in three versions. The printer-friendly version has 10 pages with one being the Table of Contents and one the back matter. There are two more versions, one low resolution and one high but otherwise the same. These have 11 pages with two being the front and back covers and one the Table of Contents.

Everything changes… explains this is a collection of spells from the Zgorzy series and each changes people drastically and permanently. It also explains the layout of the spells, which have descriptions of their mechanical effects, how it might come in game and which supplement they originally came from, which means they contain slight spoilers for those releases.

Unbinding of Sight can result in the user gaining Visions, which mechanically mean that the character gains a Hard success on a single roll dependent on timing or predicting other characters’ actions.

Ascension of R’lyeh causes a structure to appear from a body of water and living creatures lose sanity, become violently aggressive if temporary insanity is caused by this and may permanently mutate.

Psyche Flux causes the bond between the minds and bodies of the targets to weaken.

Dracula’s Seal and Curse of Changelessness causes the area to fill with Dracula’s power and makes modern things harder to do.

Peace with the Void is a protection spell that allows the caster to calmly accept any evidence of human smallness and insignificance, reducing Sanity losses.

Rites of Transformation – a Zgrozy supplement in Review

The PDF is bookmarked with the spells linked. The Table of Contents does the same and is hyperlinked. Navigation is decent. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. The only illustrations are the covers and page backgrounds. Presentation is okay.

This supplement does exactly what it says; adds new spells to Call of Cthulhu. The spells, as stated, are transformative and can have lasting effects so should be used with a degree of caution, although this is common in most Call of Cthulhu magic. Rites of Transformation – a Zgrozy supplement can be found by clicking here.





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