Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #2 by Wendall Roy is a role playing game supplement published by Tricky Owlbear Publishing through Fat Goblin Games. This is a collection of spells and items for the Pathfinder game and, as such, is covered by the Open Game License with some parts considered to be Open Game Content as a result.
This is a twelve page PDF that is available from DriveThruRPG for $4.44 but was purchased at the greatly reduced price of $0.16 as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover, front matter and opening text and one game the Open Game License.
Like the first in the series, this is a collection of magic items and spells being sold by the eponymous Pug, a goblin who does not ask too many questions about where his stock came from.
Each item or spell follows a standard layout; there is the title, followed by some introductory fluff text from Pug on the benefits of the item or spell, how he might have acquired it and some history. Next is the standard information for any item or spell, including how to make it, and finally an adventure hook for each. There are seven items and three spells.
The magic items are the hexeater, which negates curses, the scarabshell breastplate, which is shadow agile, provides protection in hot environments and allows the wearer to burrow through sand, the dragonfury cartridge, which causes a gout of flame from firearms (other dragon types are available), banerock caltrops, pebbles that grow spikes and attack, marionette meathook gloves which protect an individual from the effects of being swallowed whole and allows them to control the creature from inside, the amplifying wand widget that boosts a wand’s powers but uses more charges and has a chance of misfire and Gezar’s Amazing Unguents that come in three varieties .
The spells are blasting bubbles, which produces bubbles of force that can cause damage and explode as well as bar passage, portal guillotine, a trap spell that creates a blade of force in portals and bloodfrost, which causes open wounds to freeze and inflict more damage.
Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #2 in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and, despite its length, these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a black on speckled grey format and appeared to be free of errors. Seven of the items and spells have illustrations, which make those that don’t stand out more. The greyscale parchment-like background is not wonderful; it would probably be better either full colour or not there at all. Presentation could be better.
This is an assortment of magic items and spells with no overriding theme; it’s simply a bunch of random stuff. The stuff is interesting though and the flavour text can be amusing. The addition of adventure hooks for every item is a definite plus. Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #2 is a nice collection of new items and spells and it can be found by clicking here.
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