Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #1 by Tessa Maria Cavagnero is a role playing game supplement published by Fat Goblin Games through their Tricky Owlbear Publishing imprint for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.
This is a nine page PDF that is available from DriveThruRPG for $2.95 but was purchased at a greatly reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the Open Game License.
The first page has a half a page illustration together with an introduction. The supplement is a collection of magic items and spells that are being sold by the titular goblin, Pug. Each item or spell has an in-character introduction from Pug that provides some colour and background for the item or spell in question. This is then followed by standard descriptions by both, followed by an adventure hook.
Dragon’s Blood is a liquid that creates a group of warriors, silver fighters for whom stats are provided. This appears similar in concept to warriors created from dragon’s teeth.
The Lucky Tortoise Shield works as a magic shield, provides resistance to certain spells and effects and provides a sanctuary effect.
Eavesdropping is a low level spell that functions as a limited clairaudience spell.
The Seeing Stone is a stone with a hole in it that allows the person peering through the hole to see invisible creatures. Similar in concept to the hag or adder stone.
The Vampiric Chakra is a returning weapon that can grant the wielder temporary hit points from a target that has been damaged.
Draconic servant is a 8th level illusion spell that creates an illusory dragon. Although the dragon is not as powerful as a real one, it is still dangerous.
Faerie Mist is kept in a vial that, when smashed, releases a confusing purple mist similar to a fog cloud.
Lycanthropic bite is a spell that allows the caster to enchant a normal animal so that it transmits lycanthropy.
The Canopic Jars of Khasekenej are three canopic jars, each of which summons a controlled undead when opened.
Prismatic blade is a spell that grants a blade lesser versions of the effects from the iconic spells.
Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #1 in Review
The PDF is bookmarked with all the individual items linked. Navigation is very good for a short supplement. The text maintains a two column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of black and white illustrations that appear to be custom; five of these illustrate some of the items and the sixth, Pug and his tent. Presentation is also very good.
The narratives for the items provide some interesting colour to what would otherwise be a list of items and spells, and the adventure hooks provide more depth. So an introduced item or spell can be more than that. Most of the items are also pretty interesting; lycanthropic bite is a frankly nasty spell to have an enemy inflict on some low-level characters (higher level characters are less likely to be damaged by an animal). Pug’s Bazaar: Tent #1 is a nice collection of new material and it can be found by clicking here.
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