Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen

Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen by Sam Hing is a role playing game supplement published by Rogue Genius Games. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License with some parts considered Open Game Content as a result. This is part of the Monster Menagerie series of themed bestiaries; in this case, covering harpies.

The supplement is available from DriveThruRPG as a 12-page PDF for $3.99 but was purchased at a greatly reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover and one page the Open Game License and Credits.

Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy QueenThe single page Foreword explains that the supplement contains new monsters and options to make harpies more interesting.

The Cave Harpy is a bat-winged harpy that prey on those underground.

The Glory Harpy is a being that considers itself to be the ultimate expression of harpy evolution and are massively xenophobic.

Pazuzu’s Chosen are harpies that are born to harpy flocks as a sign of approval from the demon lord.

The Pestilence Harpy spreads disease and pestilence wherever it goes.

The Piasa is a harpy the size of a roc with a hatred for giants and dragons.

The Storm Harpy is the sole non-evil harpy, although it isn’t goof, that fly above the sea and harass and plunder ships.

Harpy Options starts with new magic items. These are made from bone or feathers, and in one case humanoid blood. There is a collection of new feats for harpies, many related to buffeting creatures with their wings. Finally, there are some new spells.

Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, although short, there is enough content that they would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. Each harpy has a black and white illustration, which is nice. Presentation is decent.

This is a nice collection of new harpies, and new options for making them, and other harpies, more dangerous. It would have been nice if there had been a good-aligned harpy, just to throw characters completely off guard, but that is a comparatively minor quibble. Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen is a nice collection of new harpies and related material and it can be found by clicking here.





One response to “A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Monster Menagerie: Kith of the Harpy Queen”

  1. […] Sussamarra covers a fey-touched harpy, with her background, personality, mannerisms, distinguishing features, adventure seeds and combat […]

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