Mini Quest: The Baron's Bastard

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Mini Quest: The Baron’s Bastard

Mini Quest: The Baron’s Bastard by David Dudka is a role playing game supplement published by Survive RPG. This is a short adventure intended to be compatible with Dungeons & Dragons although no specific version is given.

This is a two page PDF that is available as a Pay What You Want supplement from RPGNow.

The characters are recruited by a mercenary who is looking to hire some adventurers. The mercenary wants them to help rescue the baron’s illegitimate son who has been taken by a hag living in a swamp.

Mini Quest: The Baron's BastardThere is a map of the swamp, which resembles a cavern system, but above ground, more than anything. There are eleven different encounters detailed in the swamp, but no wandering encounters. The hag may or may not be the final encounter, as this is dependent on the characters’ route through the swamp.

Mini Quest: The Baron’s Bastard in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, at two pages, does not need any. The text maintains what is primarily a two column format, although the map on the first page renders that closer to single column, and no errors were noticed. As well as the map, there are a number of custom black and white illustrations too; presentation is very good for a supplement of this length.

The adventure doesn’t give a recommended party size or character level for doing it; a GM will have to work these out for themselves; a hag could be a dangerous opponent if the characters are not powerful enough. The hag’s defeat also results in a moral dilemma, as characters discover they weren’t told the full truth when they were hired. What the possible outcomes of this dilemma are isn’t discussed, which is a bit of a shame.

These are the only real quibbles with the adventure. Other than that, Mini Quest: The Baron’s Bastard is a decent small side quest and it can be checked out for free by clicking here.





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