Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield

Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield by Shawn Bond, Kerry Mould and Brent Bailey is a role playing game supplement published by Columbia Games Inc. for user with Hârn and HârnMaster.

The supplement is available as an 8-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $5.98 but was purchased at a reduced price thanks to a special discount.

Larani: Order of the Checkered ShieldThe first page explains that this is a fighting order sponsored by the Order of Hyrvik and based on Menekod Castle, which was taken from the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook. This is one of two Laranian fighting orders active on Hârn; the other is the Order of the Lady of Paladins, and there are no real differences between the two; the Checkered Shield simply covers an area too far away from Melderyn. Though officially at peace with Rethem, the order still spars with the Order of the Copper Hook. A sidebar has the order’s heraldry and details on its symbols and regalia.

Origins and History covers the history of the order from its founding by King Andasin I of Kanday through several wars.

Current Situation looks at the order’s relationship with Rethem and the Order of the Copper Hook which is based out of there, and with the Thardic Republic. A sidebar covers Chabla Syman Tolfane, the current head of the order. Internal conflicts looks at threats from within, and some clashes with exterior forces, and a sidebar covers the main factions with the order.

Life in the Order looks at how members of the order live, as defined by bits three main holy books, with a sidebar looking at the order’s code and what members gain.

Organization of the Order looks at its structure, with sidebars giving more details on other members as well as members’ skills.

Holdings looks at the order’s headquarters, with overviews on preceptories, commanderies and granges, with the sidebar listing the Kandian chapters and any Thardic or Rethemi presence.

Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, though short, has enough different sections that these would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text is either single column with sidebar or two columns and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of colour and black and white illustrations, at least some of which appear to be custom. Presentation is decent.

Though there are some HârnMaster references in this supplement, this boils down to mentioning skills in a couple of places, making it easily usable with other systems. The supplement is tied rather more thoroughly to the Hârn setting, though, making it harder to use in other settings. It’s also not that standalone; it like some other similar types of supplement really need other supplements to make use of it. As it stands, this is a useful supplement for providing more detail on part of Hârn, though it is expensive at full price. Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield can be found by clicking here.





One response to “A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield”

  1. […] Chapterhouse covers another location, a chapterhouse of the Order of the Checkered Shield in more detail. It’s given a brief introduction and its history, and a sidebar covers the […]

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