Gregorius21778: The Radioactive Spellbook is a role playing game supplement published by Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778. This is a collection of new spells and related material that are compatible with Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord, which would be used with the Mutants and Mazes crossover rules that can be found in the Mutant Future rules.
This is a fourteen page PDF which is available for $1 from RPGNow but was purchased for $0.75 during a sale. It is also available at a reduced price in the Radioactive Magic Bundle, along with 50 Radioactive Curses. One page is the front cover and one page the front matter and how to use the supplement. The PDF comes in two versions, one of which is a printer friendly version that lacks the colour page backgrounds.
There are 45 new spells all told, which are separated into different sections. The first is Deterioration Spells. These are based around sickness, decay, ruin and sometimes preventing such.
Mutation Spells are based around mutations; detecting, granting and blocking.
Radiation Spells are based around radioactivity; detecting radiation, protecting from it, using it and emitting it, including the high level spell nuke.
Summon Detrimental Spells are used to summon a new elemental type, the detrimental. There are three new spells for three new types of monster whose stats are given, the biohazard detrimental, the pest detrimental and the rust detrimental.
Technology Spells are based around technological artefacts and robots.
Finally, there are two new classes, Post-Apocalyptic Shaman, who can be considered to be a type of post-apocalyptic druid, and Mutomancer, a monk-like individual.
Gregorius21778: The Radioactive Spellbook in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks and, although not long enough to be essential, they would have been useful. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a single column format and, despite the author’s standard warning that it isn’t written by a native English speaker, is largely error-free, with a couple of minor grammatical errors noticed. It is also largely free of illustrations, bar a single piece of stock and the cover (custom images of the detrimentals would have been nice, but cannot really be expected in this type of supplement).
The spells don’t have an assigned class; presumably the GM should either treat them all as magic-user/elf spells are decide what classes they can be used by. Many of them are all pretty logical; spells that do for technology what existing spells already do for magic, but there are a few nice ones, such as the detrimental summoning spells. Gregorius21778: The Radioactive Spellbook is a nice, and very inexpensive, collection of spells that can be used in an OSR game and it can be found by clicking here.
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