Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses

Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses is a role playing game supplement published by Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778. This is a collection of curses that are compatible with both Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord, and are therefore intended to be used with the Mutants and Mazes crossover rules that can be found in the Mutant Future core book.

This is an eight page PDF that is available from RPGNow for $0.50 although it was purchased at the reduced price of $0.38 during a sale.  It is also available at a reduced price in the Radioactive Magic Bundle, along with The Radioactive Spellbook. One page is the front cover and one page the front matter and how to use the supplement.

Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive CursesThe how to use the supplement section states that all the curses can be considered to be caused by a bestow curse spell. It also warns that the spells are by no means balanced.

The 50 curses themselves cover a variety of different effects, many of which could be considered to be post apocalyptic in some manner. Some are more generic, and suited to regular fantasy settings, such as those that cause bad luck or that tear open a backpack. Others are more suited to a post-apocalyptic setting, as they have effects such as causing problems with technology and equipment, including such as technology wearing out faster or ammunition not being found.

Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses in Review

The PDF lacks bookmarks and, given the type, these would have not been expected. The text maintains a single column format and some generally minor errors were noticed. The author makes his standard disclaimer in the promotional material about not being a native English speaker, but it’s generally fine. There are no illustrations, although the cover is colour and there are full colour page backgrounds. Presentation is okay.

The warning about the curses not being balanced should be taken to heart. Some of these curses could present a very grave problem to characters, even if that’s not hugely obvious at first look. This does not mean that such curses shouldn’t be used, only that they shouldn’t be used lightly. A GM could use these curses as a basis for an adventure looking for a cure, but such should really be decided before use, not afterwards. Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses does have an interesting selection of curses, many of which are suited for a fantasy setting, and it can be found by clicking here.





2 responses to “A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Gregorius21778: 50 Radioactive Curses”

  1. Gregorius21778 avatar

    Hi there! Thanks for pointing out that there are errors, I just finished Version 1.2 and uploaded it. Hopefully, I was able to cull them all by now 🙂

    Have a nice day!

    1. Admin avatar

      I should have a review of another one of your supplements up soon, the companion to this.

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