Fellowship of the Blackened Oak by Christian Alipounarian and Creighton Broadhurst is a role playing game supplement published by Raging Swan Press for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.
The supplement is available as a 23-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $3.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. Two pages are the front and rear covers and four the front matter, Open Game License and Contents. The PDF comes in two versions, one intended for print and high-end devices, one intended for low-end and mobile.
The Fellowship of the Blackened Oak explains that the leader is a dragon looking for the lair of her dead parents and gives an overview of each of the five members. It explains the goals of the group and where they can be found; although they have a home base, they are often searching the forest looking for the lost lair. Sidebars cover using the group in your campaign and suggests the journal at the rear as a hook to get characters involved.
Encounters with the Fellowship of the Blackened Oak has a number of different encounters characters could have, including with the full group, a complicated encounter if it leads to combat.
Each of the five members is then covered, with a description, background, personality, mannerisms, distinguishing features and adventure hooks, as well as stats. Aurakraul is a young adult green dragon, and as well as her, there are details on her parents’ lost lair, the treasure remaining in it and lore to be discovered on the Crimson Swords who slew her parents and the parents themselves. Dhoean Tahlthar is a half elf bard and ranger, Holg is a half-orc ranger, Lafithel Traivanna is an elf sorcerer and Vola is a half-orc druid and wife of Holg.
Sehhar’s Lost Journal is the journal mentioned earlier which was written by one of the Crimson Swords.
Reading Stat Blocks is a standard page for the publisher explaining how to use these.
Fellowship of the Blackened Oak in Review
The PDF is bookmarked with everything except sidebars linked. The Contents is less thorough and is hyperlinked. Navigation is good. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a number of stock black and white illustrations. Presentation is decent.
This supplement is one of those in the compilation Scions of Evil, which is a better way to purchase it now. The different NPCs have extensive details and motivations, and one isn’t even evil and those that are vary in their levels of evil, giving them an extra dimension. The group is a complex one that could be used for a number of different adventures or encounters, and they could even prove to be allies should the Fellowship’s own goals mesh with something the characters are after, though Aurakraul hates humans and will be unwilling to do anything but eat them. Fellowship of the Blackened Oak details an interesting group of NPCs and it can be found by clicking here.
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