Everyman Minis: Spells of Comedy by Luis Loza is a role playing game supplement published by Everyman Gaming through Rogue Genius Games for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.
This is a seven-page PDF that is available from DriveThruRPG for $1.95 although it was purchased at a greatly reduced price as part of a special bundle. One page is the front cover, one the front matter, about one page is the Open Game License and about one and a half pages are ads.
The first page has a standard introduction for the Everyman Minis range and a new feat, Tricky Spell. This allows the user to modify a spell so that it can be used to perform a dirty trick against a target.
The spells start with banana slippers, which make the target’s feet more slippery by wrapping fruit peels around them. This also comes in a mass version. Gibber makes the target, well, gibber, making spells with verbal components and Charisma checks harder, and also comes in a mass version. Dutiful doorkeeper gives a container or portal a message warning about privacy and causes a hand to appear and slap anyone who attempts to open it. Illusory trio causes three comedians to appear and distract people with the antics. Pie projectile creates a pie that can be thrown at someone to inflict the blinded condition, and there is a higher-level variant, production of endless pies, that creates multiple pies.
Everyman Minis: Spells of Comedy in Review
The PDF lacks bookmarks, but doesn’t need them given the amount of content. Navigation is okay. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There is a single appropriate illustration. Presentation is okay.
The spells are interesting but a bit limited. This feels like an April Fools’ release and was actually published a few days after April 1st. Often, such releases are free or Pay What You Want, as they can be a little specialist, and this is no different. It isn’t, however, free. At the price it was purchased for, it did feel worth it. At full price, even though full price is not that expensive, it would probably feel a little overpriced. Everyman Minis: Spells of Comedy has a what is probably a limited amount of use – comedy adventures in the main – and it can be found by clicking here.
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