Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database by Rich Lescouflair is a role playing game supplement published by Alligator Alley Entertainment. This is one of three core books for the Esper Genesis system, the other two being the Master Technician’s Guide and Core Manual. Esper Genesis is a science fiction role playing game based on Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition and is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The supplement is available as a PDF from DriveThruRPG for $24.95. It is also available in printed form from sites such as Amazon. The PDF is the version reviewed, although it was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. The PDF has 224 pages with one being the front cover, one the front matter, one the Table of Contents and one the Index of Stat Blocks.
The Introduction explains that this book contains a variety of creatures, aliens and threats found in the setting. It explains that the entries include background information which can include quite a bit on the creature’s origins, society, nature, environment and tactics. They may be enemies, allies or neither. Some are drawn from standard tropes whilst others are original. It looks at using threats in game, encounter building, which includes galactic environments, what the various stats and details mean in the entries and the abilities of legendary creatures.
Following this, the threats themselves are covered in alphabetical order, with some having multiple different types. There is quite a bit of world building embedded in the descriptions, and some have definite links to the current state of the setting. There are several dozen threats, some definitely recognisable, and this part is a pretty standard bestiary.
Appendix A: Non-Player Characters starts with some details on how to customise NPCs, followed by stat blocks that can be used to represent NPCs of all species. Each has a name, stat block and a section on using the NPC.
Appendix B: Miscellaneous Creatures has some suggestions on how to use generic creatures and then how to alter them for more specific uses. The various stat blocks follow; these are pretty much just animals, with some giant variants.
Appendix C: Space Hazards and Threats starts by looking at space hazards, using them and their threat levels, followed by some descriptions. Space threats are creatures and starships that are threats in space combat; the creatures included also have stats in the main bestiary section.
Appendix D: Threats to the Galaxy looks at some of the major threats to the galaxy. These expand on things covered in the main bestiary or elsewhere; the other references will provide stats and some overview of, say, the Lorendi Imperium; this section looks at the Lorendi Imperium as a whole, its behaviour and how it threatens the galaxy. The section covers a range of organisations, from threats beyond the Veil to megacorporations and their effect on the galaxy.
Encounter Tables is a set of random encounter tables for various different types of terrain.
Threats by Challenge Rating does what it says, though it would have been helpful to have page numbers or hyperlinks to the creatures.
Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database in Review
The PDF is bookmarked, with major and minor sections linked. The Table of Contents is less thorough and hyperlinked. The Index of Stat Blocks just covers the creatures. Navigation could be better. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of errors. There are a variety of colour and line drawing images, covering the various creatures. Presentation is good.
The primary use of this is as a bestiary, though two of the appendices have other uses. These being Appendix C, which covers other kinds of threats and dangers, and Appendix D, which provides some details on groups that pose a threat greater than they do as individuals. Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database is a useful and necessary addition to the game and it can be found by clicking here.
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