Cultists of Havra Zhoul

A Review of the Role Playing Game Supplement Cultists of Havra Zhoul

Cultists of Havra Zhoul by Pierre van Rooden is a role playing game supplement published by Raging Swan Press for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As such, it is covered by the Open Game License and some parts are considered to be Open Game Content as a result.

Cultists of Havra ZhoulThe supplement is available as a 31-page PDF from DriveThruRPG for $4.99 but was purchased at a reduced price as part of a special bundle. Two pages are the front and rear covers, four the front matter and Contents, one is an ad and one the Open Game License. The PDF comes in two versions, one intended for print and high-end devices, one intended for low-end and mobile.

About the Cult explains that the Order of the Dictum is a group of vigilantes who deal with criminals, but there is more to them than that. It also covers the founding of the cult by a nobleman and has some details on the Dictum, which is the heart of the cult but was also home to the ex-paladin Havra Zhoul’s soul. It looks at the organisations beliefs and values, goals, organisation and allies and enemies. Sidebars cover using the cult in your own campaign and have whispers and rumours about it, and there are various dictums here and in other parts of the supplement reproduced from the Dictum.

Adventure Hooks has two detailed adventure hooks related to the cult.

The Sanctum covers the bases of the cult. There is a sanctuary house, a keep and a vault. Each is described but not mapped.

The Dictum has details on the Dictum itself, a self-aware minor artefact.

Dictums: Rites of Havra Zhoul has two new cleric spells.

Devils looks at how the cult uses devils, and has two new types, the enforcer and the dictum.

New Templates has two of these; Dictum Cultist and Dictum Adept.

New Witch Archetype: Chaspah is a witch who specialises in the concoction of poisons and foul brews.

New Magic Item: Necklace of Venom Beads is a new item.

Deanne Huyn-Veneer, Berevos Soulbright and Vederian Soulbright cover three NPCs of importance in the cult. Each is given an introduction, background, personality, mannerisms, distinguishing features and adventure hooks, as well as stats, over two pages.

Havra Zhoul covers the ex-paladin the cult is named after in the same way as the NPCs.

Reading Stat Blocks is a standard page for the publisher explaining how to use these.

Cultists of Havra Zhoul is a second PDF. This has 10 pages with one being the front cover, one the Contents and Open Game License, one Reading Stat Blocks and one a list of Stat Blocks by CR. The rest duplicates the stats, and just those, from the main PDF.

Cultists of Havra Zhoul in Review

The PDF is well bookmarked with everything except sidebars linked. The Contents is brief but is hyperlinked. Navigation is very good. The text maintains a two-column format and appeared to be free of error. There are a number of pieces of black and white stock art. Presentation is decent.

This supplement is also included in TRIBES Anthology III, and that is a more cost-effective way of getting it. The nature of the Order of the Dictum means that they have allies and members who agree with the Order’s apparent goals of dealing with crime, because they don’t know the true goals of the cult. The cult itself may initially seem benevolent, or at least not evil, but this will change if the characters deal with it more. This may take some time, though, as initially the cult will be improving things. There are a host of details on the cult and the templates mean that cultists can be created easily.

Dropping the cult into another setting is easy enough; all that’s needed is a town for it. The cult itself is interesting and well written, with a host of options, fully detailed major NPCs, new items and spells. A substantial number of adventures could be built around the cult, and not just from the adventure hooks included, two of which are well detailed. Cultists of Havra Zhoul is an excellent description of an interesting cult that characters may initially believe is an ally and it can be found by clicking here.





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